Benefits of Parent Training in ABA Therapy

Benefits of Parent Training in ABA Therapy

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Parent training is crucial for successful ABA programs. It teaches parents behavioral strategies, extends techniques beyond therapy, and fosters a stable, positive environment.

Let’s uncover the significance of parent training and its profound impact on shaping young lives on the autism spectrum:

ABA therapy aims to teach new skills and behaviors while reducing challenging behaviors. When parents are trained in ABA techniques, they can consistently apply these strategies in various settings, promoting the application of skills beyond the therapy sessions

Enhanced Consistency

Autism impacts the whole family, and not just the individual with the diagnosis. And since parent training is rooted in a family-centric approach, it empowers parents to actively participate in their child’s course of treatment and be an integral part of their overall growth and development.

Family-Centered Approach

ABA therapy typically occurs for a limited number of hours each week, which may not be sufficient for significant progress. However, when parents are trained in the process, they can incorporate intervention techniques into the child’s daily routine, effectively increasing the total intervention hours.

Increased Intervention Hours

Since parents are well-versed in their child’s behavior patterns and preferences, training in ABA techniques can help parents personalize interventions to their child’s unique needs and preferences.

Individualized Support

At EAS, we're committed to empowering parents with the knowledge and tools they need to support their child's growth. This is done through Monthly Parent Observations, progress videos of how a child learns skills at the centre, and insightful online training for parents

Empowering Parents at Early Autism Services

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