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Innovative strategies and tools to help a child with ASD

Innovative Tools & Strategies for Supporting Children with ASD

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If your child has recently been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, you are probably worrying and wondering about what’s the next best step. You may be uncertain about how to best help your little one or confused by the numerous treatment options and advice available online.

While it is true that ASD is not a condition that a child eventually ‘grows out of,’ there are various innovative tools that can assist them in acquiring new skills and overcoming a wide variety of developmental challenges.

And on that note, let’s explore the top 10 innovative tools and strategies for supporting children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) –

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

Picture exchange communication system incorporates the use of pictures to help children with ASD communicate effectively. Through this approach, children learn to select and exchange cards with symbols, words, pictures, or photographs in order to convey their needs. Moreover, studies have also demonstrated that PECS can play a vital role in decreasing tantrums as well as odd behaviors.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices

AAC devices are characterized as electronic equipment that assist children with ASD in communicating and interacting with others. These devices can be customized to suit individual needs and may include pictures, symbols, and text. While no-tech and low-tech AAC options include writing, drawing, gestures and facial expressions, and pointing to photos and pictures, high-tech AAC devices entail the use of a computer with a ‘voice’ (speech-generating device) as well as apps, iPads, or tables to communicate.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy can be an effective treatment option for children on the autism spectrum, who have other mental health conditions. These include depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A 2010 study also found that CBT, when incorporated with active parent involvement, showed promise as an effective therapy for children aged 3 to 7 with anxiety.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

ABA is a form of highly structured therapy that focuses on increasing desirable behaviors and decreasing undesirable behaviors. ABA is well-known as an evidence-based intervention for children with ASD. It is majorly used to help children with autism as well as other developmental disorders, learn behaviors that help them lead more fulfilling and safer lives.

Assistive Technology

Assistive technologies include devices and software that help children with ASD access and participate in learning activities. These comprise tools like text-to-speech software or adapted keyboards. Some examples of assistive technology include battery-operated sensory toys, social skills videos, and visual timers, among others.

Peer-Mediated Interventions

Peer-mediated interventions involve pairing children on the spectrum with typically developing peers. This can help them develop social skills and encourage participation in community-based activities, as well. Peer-mediated interventions also involve teaching peers to interact with and support children diagnosed with ASD, which can play a vital role in promoting social skills and inclusion.

Play Therapy

Play therapy is a form of therapy that enables children to express themselves through play. By using play as the medium, children are able to better explore their feelings and share them with their parents and therapists. Play therapy results in significant improvement in areas such as social skills, language development, regulating emotions, reduction of stereotypical behaviors, or enhanced gross and fine motor skills.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can help children with ASD improve their fine motor skills, sensory processing, and activities of everyday living. Aligning with this, an occupational therapist’s main role is to inculcate daily life skills, such as self-care, independent dressing, grooming, and eating.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy can help children with ASD improve their communication skills, including speech, language, and social communication. With the ultimate goal of helping the child interact in more functional and effective ways, speech therapy can help children on the autism spectrum improve their nonverbal, verbal, and social communication skills.

Parent Training and Education

Providing parents with education and training on how to support their child with ASD can significantly help improve their child’s outcomes and overall family functioning. This approach constitutes a wide range of interventions, including psychoeducation, care coordination, programs designed to address maladaptive behaviors, and treatments for social or language development.

In essence, the above-mentioned approaches play a crucial role in improving the developmental outcomes of children with ASD. By tailoring individualized and effective support, innovative tools, as well as strategies, facilitate the acquisition of important life skills and abilities. Ultimately, this enables children diagnosed with autism to achieve greater autonomy and more enriching life experiences.


multitude of innovative tools and strategies available to help children with ASD succeed

As discussed, there are a multitude of innovative tools and strategies available to help children with ASD succeed and thrive. These include –

  •         Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
  •         Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices
  •         Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  •         Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
  •         Assistive Technology
  •         Peer-Mediated Interventions
  •         Play Therapy
  •         Occupational Therapy
  •         Speech Therapy
  •         Parent Training and Education

However, it is important for parents and caregivers to stay up-to-date on these advancements and seek out resources to support their child’s needs.

Since every child on the autism spectrum is unique, they may require different types and levels of care. And Early Autism Services (EAS) is committed to providing the best resources for children with autism as well as their families, personalized to their individual needs.

Our team of experts is trained in the latest techniques and strategies, and we are dedicated to helping each child reach their full potential. So, if you are looking for the best autism care for your little one, make sure you get in touch with us right away.

We are here to help and support you every step of the way!

Detecting early autism steps and treatment

Processing Your Child’s Autism Diagnosis: Next Best Steps and Treatment Options

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Receiving your child’s autism diagnosis can be unnerving. Maybe you had an inclination or perhaps, the official diagnosis came as an absolute shock to you; either way, it can be challenging and anxiety-inducing to reimagine your little one’s future with the pervasive presence of a serious developmental condition. 

But remember, you are not alone, and it is absolutely normal to feel this way. An autism diagnosis does not change who your child is or what they are capable of accomplishing. 

The important thing here is to understand that autism can be managed. To date, there is no known ‘cure’ for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, there are myriad treatment options for ASD, through which your child will be able to grow, learn, and acquire new skill sets within the realm of their unlimited potential, just like typically developing children. Hence, some of the most essential steps to take, following your child’s diagnosis, is to thoroughly educate yourself as well as your immediate family members about the extent of the condition while modifying and regulating your home environment to ensure that your child’s unique needs can be adequately met. And of course, it is of utmost importance to seek professional treatment services for autism by reaching out to evidence-based approaches such as Early Autism Services (EAS)

Autism Diagnosis: What to Expect

As the name suggests, children with ASD can display a ‘spectrum’ of symptoms varying from lower functioning to higher functioning. Based on the condition’s severity and where they are on the spectrum, the symptoms experienced by your child can fit into one of these diagnostic levels, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5):

Level 1 – Considered the mildest form of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), children at this level are ‘highly functioning’ and have mild symptoms that don’t necessarily impact academic performance or interpersonal relationships substantially. However, they do require a certain degree of support. Also, these kids may not experience significant impairments in terms of their cognitive or communication skills. Children formerly diagnosed with PDD-NOS or Asperger’s Syndrome would now be categorized under Level 1.

Level 2 – Level 2, or the middle-range of autism, necessitates ‘substantial support,’ and the severity of symptoms is relatively more intense compared to Level 1. The issues faced by children include restricted interests and trouble with vocal communication, in addition to repetitive behaviors. Moreover, they may also experience difficulties in using or understanding non-verbal communication, including gestures and facial expressions. 

Level 3 – As the most impairing level in terms of symptom severity, children that are classified under Level 3 need ‘very substantial support’ and are considered ‘lower functioning.’ They also depict significant impairments in their cognitive and vocal abilities and, as a result, are unable to live independently. 

Therapies & Treatment Options for ASD

After your child’s diagnosis, it is important to communicate with experts about designing a strategic treatment plan for the best results. Over the last few decades, research pertaining to treatments for autism has also grown exponentially, thus presenting parents and professionals with new support ideas and strategies. Accordingly, the treatment options for autism spectrum disorder may include the following – 

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) 

Applied behavior analysis, or autism ABA, is one of the most widely accepted and researched forms of behavioral therapy for children with ASD. At Early Autism Services, our center-based ABA therapy services offer a fun and inviting environment for your child to learn, explore, and grow! With board certified behaviour analysts, well-developed ABA therapy techniques, and in-home ABA therapy sessions, your child will truly receive the support needed to thrive in every aspect.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) is of significant value when addressing underlying issues associated with physical, cognitive, sensory, motor, and social skills consistent with developmental conditions like autism. And in this regard, an occupational therapist can greatly help your child enhance their quality of life in school as well as at home! With a core focus on promoting the development of essential life skills, your kid will be able to learn daily life skills, such as dressing up on their own, brushing, toilet training, and others.

Educational Therapy 

Children diagnosed with ASD typically respond very well to highly structured academic plans. Some of the most successful educational programs used by professionals include various activities in order to improve communication, behavioral, and social skills, coupled with the steadfast efforts of an experienced team of specialists.

Mental Health Services

Children with autism spectrum disorder are at a higher risk of experiencing mental health problems, including phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Your child’s pediatrician and mental health professional can provide you with the right resources and assistance required to manage ASD-related mental health issues and conditions. 

Medication Management 

Presently, there is no specific medicine for treating autism. However, several medications may help with associated symptoms. Research suggests that medication is most effective when combined with behavioral therapies for ASD and should always be taken after a recommendation from an experienced development pediatrician. Also, ensure your ABA team is in the loop as some of the drugs may have side effects. 

Speech Therapy for Autistic Children in Bangalore

Speech and Language Therapy 

Social communication, as well as the development of speech and language, can be adversely impacted by autism in several ways. As an integral part of therapies for autistic children, speech therapy can help cater to a wide variety of communication challenges while enhancing their nonverbal, verbal, and social skills. Moreover, children with autism also tend to be more visual learners than verbal learners. As a result, they will significantly benefit from visual interpretations and representations of language that supplement what is said verbally. 

What’s Next?

Although children diagnosed with ASD can effectively learn and compensate for related issues throughout the course of their life, the majority of kids will still need a certain degree of assistance. As a result, it is integral to plan for their future by availing the services and facilities required to make the process absolutely seamless. 

For more information, make sure you check out our resources for parents and schedule a free consultation with EAS’ expert behavior analysts here. Our team can provide you with a basic overview of our programs, answer questions about the different approaches we use, discuss costs, and walk you through your insurance coverage, as well.